US won't let go of master domain servers
By Declan McCullagh, Special to ZDNet
01 July 2005
The Bush administration announced that the U.S. government will not hand over control of the Internet to any other organisation, a surprise move that could presage an international flap.
At the moment, the U.S. government maintains control of the Internet's "root"--the master file that lists what top-level domains are authorised--but has indicated in the past that it would transfer that responsibility to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
The new principles, outlined by Assistant Commerce Secretary Michael Gallagher, say the U.S. government will "maintain its historic role in authorising changes or modifications to the authoritative root zone file." In addition, the principles say, the U.S. government will continue to maintain "oversight" over ICANN and prevent its "focus" from straying from technical coordination.
Gallagher's blunt announcement to a wireless conference in Washington, D.C.--just a few days before ICANN's next meeting in Luxembourg--hints that the Bush administration would like to keep the Marina del Ray, Calif.-based nonprofit group on a short leash. ICANN has become the target of criticism as its budget has zoomed upward from US$7 million in 2003 to around US$16 million today.
The announcement also represents an effective snub to a United Nations process that is set to culminate in a summit in Tunisia in November. One gripe of the summit participants has been poorer nations should have more say in the way the Internet is operated.
At one level, the Bush administration's announcement is largely symbolic: While in theory the United States can influence what country codes are permitted and who will run each, it's unlikely to make any procedural changes. But the more assertive tack promises to vex nations like Pakistan and Brazil that have been outspoken critics of the United States' influence online.
About five years ago, the Commerce Department told the European Commission that "these remaining powers retained by the United States DoC regarding ICANN should be effectively divested," according to a European government report.,2000061744,39200026,00.htm
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