Privacy Tips from G4TechTV
written by Tim Moynihan on Wednesday, April 28, 2004
1. Stay anonymous online Whether you're surfing the Web at work or just trying to keep your true identity under wraps, there are plenty of applications out there to help you stay anonymous. Here are some of the best programs for secure and anonymous instant messages, email, and Web surfing.
Dark Tip: Stay Anonymous Online
Dark Tip: Anonym
Dark Tip: Truly Anonymous Email
Dark Tip: HushMail
Dark Tip: Secure Instant Messaging2. Shake off spyware Spyware is the software equivalent of some jerk coming up to you, putting his finger an inch away from your face, and repeating "I'm not invading your personal space!" over and over again. For a more-sane computing experience, scan and purge your system of spyware, adware, and malware. We've got links to several apps that'll do the trick.
SpywareBlaster Stops Spyware Before It Starts
Dark Tip: Tools to Destroy Spyware3. Don't be an identity theft victim Identity theft is a rapidly growing problem in the wired world. Luckily, protecting yourself from becoming a victim is easy and free. Read these expert tips on how to keep your personal information as secure as possible.
Secret Service Security Tips
Keep Your Identity Safe
Look Out for These Online Scams4. Secure online shopping Identity theft isn't the only risk associated with online shopping. Find out how to avoid being a victim of credit card fraud and Internet scams by reading these secure online shopping tips from Call for Help. 5. Encrypt your email As Kevin Rose will tell you, your email messages can be intercepted and read by anyone who has a good working knowledge of Iris, Ethereal, or another network traffic analyzer. Protect your privacy by encrypting your emails and other data. Learn the basics of encryption, how the NSA protects the contents of its own documents, and how to use PGP to encrypt your messages by visiting the links below.
How to Get Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Dark Tip: NSA Unclassified
Windows Tip: Good Encryption Practices
A Simple Explanation of Encryption6. Use a personal firewall Hardware firewalls and firewall routers offer the best protection, but even Windows XP's built-in software firewall is a good first step for locking down your system. Learn which software firewalls caught Kevin Rose's eye and how to use SmoothWall and an old PC to build your own firewall by visiting these links.
Dark Tip: Personal Firewall Roundup
Turn an Old PC Into a Firewall Router7. Wi-Fi privacy and security Wireless networks are convenient, but they literally leave your data in thin air. Here are some crucial guides to locking down your own Wi-Fi network and making sure public Wi-Fi access points are safe to use.
Secure Your Wi-Fi
Secure Public Wi-Fi
If you want security tips in an even more quick-and-dirty way than the list o' links below, read Kevin Rose's top 10 tips for securing your PC.
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